Prosecco on the Bathroom Floor

Preach, Babe: Manifestation, Intuition, and Reclaiming Your Power

Chelsea Patricia & Kat Drye Season 1 Episode 3

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Manifestation isn’t just a buzzword, babe—it’s got roots in spiritual and religious teachings,  and, yes, surprisingly even in Christianity.  In this episode, we’re digging into what it really means to speak your desires into existence and why society has taught women to second-guess their gut feelings. From the power dynamics within religious contexts to learning how to truly trust yourself, we’re unpacking it all. Spoiler: your feelings aren’t invalid—in freaking fact, they’re your superpower. 

Whether it’s confronting gaslighting, breaking free from societal norms, or redefining what it means to manifest your dreams, we’re here to remind you that trusting your gut isn’t just okay—it’s essential. Tune in for a conversation that’s raw, empowering, and just might have you shouting “Amen!” with bubbly in hand.

Chapters & Timestamps

  1. [00:00:00] Why Do Men Manifest Faster?
    • Chelsea introduces the concept of manifestation: bringing dreams and desires into reality.
    • The influence of upbringing on self-belief and the societal disparities between men and women.
  2. [00:01:20] Women, Power, and Religion
    • Exploring how religious teachings have historically limited women’s power.
    • The importance of interpreting scripture independently, highlighting the uniqueness of individual purpose.
  3. [00:03:00] Reclaiming Power in Scripture
    • A deep dive into how women’s empowerment is supported by biblical figures like Eve and Mary.
    • The societal shift that has minimized women’s intuition and capabilities.
  4. [00:04:34] The Mechanics of Manifestation
    • Speaking things into existence and believing in their possibility.
    • Chelsea and Kat discuss how societal conditioning impacts women’s ability to manifest.
  5. [00:05:10] Made in God’s Image: Beyond Aesthetics
    • Interpreting "God’s image" as the power to create, heal, and transform.
    • Modern metaphors for biblical authority, such as raising dreams from the dead and casting out internal demons.
  6. [00:07:16] Trusting Your Emotions and Intuition
    • Debunking the myth that emotions are unreliable.
    • Kat shares her experience of suppressing feelings and the consequences of invalidating emotions.
  7. [00:09:00] The Case for Emotional Awareness
    • Emotions as a guide to recognizing when something is wrong.
    • How societal and religious influences discourage women from trusting their instincts.
  8. [00:09:45] Confronting Gaslighting and Self-Trust
    • Chelsea and Kat tackle gaslighting and the importance of trusting your gut.
    • Emphasizing that feelings are valid and often accurate indicators of the truth.

 Welcome to Prosecco on the Bathroom Floor. We're Chelsea and Kat, two women who also happen to be business owners and moms. If you've ever had a moment where it feels like one big, chaotic mess, you're in the right place. 

This is a party where we spill the tea, own the chaos, and remind you to never apologize for taking up space. One glass of bubbly at a time. So grab your Prosecco or whatever's in your cup and let's get into i


Thanks for tuning in to Prosecco on the Bathroom Floor, but don't stop here. This is just one glass in the bottle. Each episode builds on the last, so keep listening to follow the full conversation. If our chat today hit the spot for you, share it with a friend, and catch us on all the platforms at KatAriseFitness  and at Chelsea Patricia.

Until next time, remember, own your chaos, take up space, and never apologize for being you.   

[00:00:00] Chelsea: Why is it so much easier for men to manifest than women?

[00:00:04] Chelsea: Tell them what you mean by manifest. Okay, so, manifestation, I mean, it's a buzzword now, but basically what it is saying is like, to bring a dream or an inner thought, or desire, to fruition in your life and reality. And this is something that you, if you come from a religious background, especially Christianity.

[00:00:23] Chelsea: You'll recognize the phrasing. God's word made manifest. So it is another way, like I'm using the term manifestation, would be like medically a disease manifest as certain symptoms, right? Right. So in the same way like that's obviously a negative kind of way of viewing it, but it would be that you create change on the inside which manifests Outwardly, as X, Y, and Z.

[00:00:52] Kat: Okay. 

[00:00:53] Chelsea: So, at a high level, the way a lot of people talk about manifestation is, [00:01:00] it feels very woo woo, but it's like you create the life that you want to live. And you call into existence things that don't seem possible. 

[00:01:09] Kat: You speak things into existence. 

[00:01:12] Chelsea: Yes. And so, and, and here's the thing with Zach. I grew up very religious.

[00:01:17] Chelsea: You, you've still been very religious. 

[00:01:20] Women and Power in Religious Contexts

[00:01:20] Chelsea: There are things within the modern day church and presentation of Christianity that I have had cause to question. Because facts are facts, right? Things exist. However, multiple things can be true at once. So, the scripture can say one thing, and that is what it means, but it is filtered by the reality and experience of every person who hears it.

[00:01:47] Chelsea: The problem with that in a church that is run primarily by men, Is that every piece of scripture is being filtered through the lens of a man and then re [00:02:00] presented with his spin on it. Which has led to, not saying all churches, not saying all Christianity, but it has led to a lot of male dominated, male driven churches and communities.

[00:02:18] Chelsea: I 

[00:02:18] Kat: mean, we just talked about this earlier that, you know, women coming back to the home, a pastor saying that, and that should be your ministry, and, right? 

[00:02:26] Chelsea: Okay, and what is a man's ministry? Right. And also, like, no one, and this has been across Scripture, like, if you read Scripture for yourself, instead of just trusting what comes from the pulpit.

[00:02:37] Kat: Which is another thing that we all need to make sure that we do. 

[00:02:40] Chelsea: Mm hmm. Your ministry is very specific to you. Yes. Your purpose in life is very specific to you as an individual, because the Bible says, In the womb I formed you, I knew you before you were formed in the womb. So what that says to me is, you were created, And came into [00:03:00] existence very specifically you and not the next person over.

[00:03:04] Kat: Yeah. 

[00:03:04] Chelsea: If that's the case, then why would God ordain that all women had to be homemakers? If he created us all differently. Why would we all have the same purpose? Why would we all need to subscribe to the same standards of what that purpose is? It doesn't make sense. Not at all. So, if you take scripture for what it is, then you see a bigger picture of especially like, what women are capable of.

[00:03:31] Chelsea: And of course, we're not saying that like, men aren't capable of things. We all know men are capable of things. This is why men can manifest so much quicker, because they have the power. been raised to believe that they are worthy, they are great, they deserve all the good things, they can do anything. We are raised to believe that we must submit to others opinions of us.

[00:03:52] Chelsea: We are raised to believe that we can't do anything without a man to support us. 

[00:03:56] Kat: It's true. 

[00:03:58] Chelsea: We are raised to believe that we should [00:04:00] question our intuition because we have to trust the head of the household. Or we're too emotional. 

[00:04:06] Kat: Yes, 

[00:04:06] Chelsea: or we're too 

[00:04:07] Kat: emotional. And that emotions are bad. Don't get me started on that.

[00:04:11] Chelsea: Okay. Yes. Oh, there are so many rabbit trails we could run down right now. 

[00:04:16] Kat: Like your feelings are bad. Don't trust your feelings. 

[00:04:19] Chelsea: I feel 

[00:04:20] Kat: like I feel like that's bad. We can't go 

[00:04:23] Chelsea: there, Chelsea. I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland and like hopping down the rabbit hole. Yes. There are so many. Because we're talking about like men manifesting quicker than women.

[00:04:34] Chelsea: And one of the guiding principles in manifestation is you have to be able to believe it. Knowing that it's yours, and this is where the Bible comes in, right? The Bible says, speak these things that as not as though they are, and they will come to pass. Yes. Meaning, the things that you don't see in your reality yet, all you have to do is speak them.

[00:04:54] Chelsea: Speak them. As if they're already there, and they will come into your reality. Meaning, you have the power of [00:05:00] words. Yes. Because, dive down this one real quick. We'll just do it real fast, but it's gonna be a little eye opening for some people because it's something I've really thought about. Genesis says that we are made in God's image.

[00:05:10] Chelsea: It just doesn't make any freaking sense to me that we would be made aesthetically in his image because clearly we don't look the same. We look completely different. So we're not made aesthetically, visually in his image. 

[00:05:21] Kat: We are 

[00:05:21] Chelsea: made to have, to be capable of what he is capable 

[00:05:26] Kat: of. He imbued 

[00:05:27] Chelsea: us with his power.

[00:05:28] Chelsea: He speaks things into existence. 

[00:05:30] Kat: And that is a theme that comes up multiple times in scripture that he has given us the same authority as he has. 

[00:05:38] Chelsea: Mm-hmm . So that's a thing. The authority to cast out demons. Yes. The authority to this, that, and the other. To raise the dead. To heal the sick, even if we're not talking, because I believe that there could be some metaphor to this, so like, not necessarily raising people from the dead, but it could be raising dreams from the dead.

[00:05:55] Chelsea: Mm-hmm . Casting out demons can be casting out the demons you face [00:06:00] internally 

[00:06:00] Kat: and 

[00:06:01] Chelsea: you are capable of doing that for yourself. So, you have this power to speak things into existence, right? The issue, and in order to do that, you have to believe that it's possible. Bible says over and over, if you believe, you will see it.

[00:06:17] Chelsea: You must believe, believe, believe, believe, right? Men are raised to believe. That they can do anything and that they deserve everything and that there's no failing in them. Whereas we are raised to believe, and this is where the problem is, in the Bible, women were given so much power. It's only the modern day church in, well, probably the last thousand years that takes that power from us.

[00:06:38] Chelsea: Eve was given the power, right? Yeah. Mary was given the power. Huh. We were all put on these positions, like, up on pedestals, and only now do we not believe in ourselves. We can't trust our emotion. We can't trust our intuition. Right. Because the problem is, if we trusted our emotion, our intuition, then we would believe what we are capable of.

[00:06:56] Chelsea: And when we believe what we are capable of, then we'll change the world. [00:07:00] And the people in power don't want us to change the world. Right. I know. I said it. She said it. Just had a little drink to that. You want to take over from here? I think I've said enough. I don't know. I don't know if I can follow that, but.

[00:07:13] Kat: Oh my gosh, what were we going to go down the rabbit trail for? 

[00:07:16] Trusting Emotions and Intuition

[00:07:16] Kat: Okay, so trusting your emotions and your intuition and your feelings and that they're negative. What that taught me for years is not to deal with my feelings and emotions. And so at some point I had this almost, I feel like I almost had a mental breakdown because I just shoved, kept shoving my feelings and emotions down because I thought they were bad.

[00:07:35] Kat: I thought that I was too emotional. Right? Because I've been Who hasn't been called too emotional? Right. Because I was told that feelings and emotions are bad, and you shouldn't trust your feelings and emotions. And while I 100 percent believe that sometimes our things that we feel might be invalid, I get that.

[00:07:52] Kat: But maybe not, because it's our perception of what, of the situation. And here's the thing, what you feel is never invalid. What [00:08:00] you feel is valid. You may need to work through it to see if what you're feeling matches what actually happened. Happened, there, there you go. Okay, so, it is, it's your perception.

[00:08:10] Chelsea: So, what makes us unique are our experiences. It's the way we view the world. Two children can be raised in the same home and end up being drastically different people in the way they process things that happen to them. So, it's nature and nurture, in my opinion. And so, your perception of things leads to you feeling a certain way.

[00:08:31] Chelsea: How you feel is valid. Mm 

[00:08:33] Kat: hmm. 

[00:08:34] Chelsea: Yeah. It just bears scrutiny by yourself and no one else. 

[00:08:39] Kat: Mm hmm. 

[00:08:40] Chelsea: So, scrutiny in terms of, okay, why do I feel that way? Is it because so and so happens to me? Is it because I am experiencing a trauma based response based on something I've been through? Would it be healthier for me to see this as a trauma based response and, and try to work through that?

[00:08:59] Chelsea: What [00:09:00] I'm not saying is for someone else to tell you, you're not allowed to feel that way. Because, fuck that. Right. 

[00:09:07] Kat: And that's the issue that I, I feel like is being projected is that in the church is that your feelings and emotions are invalid and they're bad and you can't base, you shouldn't base decisions on your feelings and emotions.

[00:09:22] Kat: It's as 

[00:09:22] Chelsea: if women can't be trusted to process something. Right. Honestly, our feelings and emotions tell us when something's wrong. 

[00:09:30] Kat: And 

[00:09:30] Chelsea: that's why people in power don't want us to trust them because we will start going, wait, hold on, but you said this, and this doesn't make sense. And are you lying to me?

[00:09:40] Chelsea: Are you controlling 

[00:09:41] Kat: me? Do I need to fill in the blank? Yep. Do it. Do 

[00:09:44] Chelsea: it. 

[00:09:44] Kat: Go. I've already said. 

[00:09:45] Confronting Gaslighting and Self-Trust

[00:09:45] Kat: What happened then is, you know, what do we call gaslighting? Again, invalidating your feelings and emotions, telling you that you're wrong. That, oh, that wasn't what happened. I was just joking. Or no, you know, you're being too [00:10:00] sensitive.

[00:10:00] Chelsea: That right there, you're being too sensitive. No, I'm just sensitive enough. Right. I'm the amount of sensitive I need to be to the situation. And the energy surrounding me. Because here's the thing, whether or not how you feel makes sense logically, it is how you feel. Make the choice to dig into how you feel and why it's making you feel that way.

[00:10:23] Chelsea: But when you do that, I guarantee you eight times out of ten, it's gonna be because you write. Think about every time I think about this, every time that I'm like, yeah, this is what's happening. No, that's crazy. Why would I think that? There's no reason for me to think that. There's no proof to that. There's no evidence.

[00:10:39] Chelsea: I'm getting crazy. I'm right. Every single time I'm right. And so you have to learn to trust yourself because when you do, you're going to dig yourself out of situations before you get into them that can be anti beneficial, the opposite of beneficial. What's the word? [00:11:00] Detrimental. Detrimental. That's the word.

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